
NP-Complete and NP-Hard Problems⚓︎

Polynomial Time Algorithms Time Complexity Exponential Time Algorithms Time Complexity
Binary Search \(O(\log n)\) Tower of Hanoi \(O(2^n)\)
Merge Sort \(O(n \log n)\) Travelling Salesman Problem (Brute Force) \(O(n!)\)
Heap Sort \(O(n \log n)\) Boolean Formula Satisfiability (SAT) \(O(2^n)\)
Quick Sort \(O(n \log n)\) Generating Power Set \(O(2^n)\)
Dijkstra's Algorithm \(O(V^2)\) Recursive Fibonacci \(O(2^n)\)
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm \(O(V^3)\) Exponential Graph Search \(O(b^d)\)
Bellman-Ford Algorithm \(O(VE)\) Hamiltonian Path in a Graph \(O(n!)\)
Insertion Sort \(O(n^2)\) Enumerating Permutations \(O(n!)\)
Bubble Sort \(O(n^2)\) Knapsack Problem (Brute Force) \(O(2^n)\)
Selection Sort \(O(n^2)\) Depth-first Search (in Implicit Graphs) \(O(b^m)\)
Breadth-first Search \(O(V + E)\)
Dynamic Programming (e.g., Fibonacci with Memoization) \(O(n)\)
A* Search Algorithm \(O(b^d)\)
Kruskal's Algorithm \(O(E \log V)\)
Prim's Algorithm \(O(V^2)\) or \(O(E + \log V)\) with Min-Heap


  • \(n\): size of the input
  • \(V\): number of vertices in a graph
  • \(E\): number of edges in a graph
  • \(b\): branching factor in a graph
  • \(d\): depth of the graph
  • \(m\): maximum depth of the search tree