Algorithm Notes
Algorithm Basics
Data Structures
Dynamic Programming
Graph and Search
Greedy Methods
Algorithm Notes
Algorithm Basics
Algorithm Basics
01 Sorting
01 Sorting
02 Binary Search
02 Binary Search
03 High Precision
03 High Precision
04 Partial Sum
04 Partial Sum
05 Double Pointer
05 Double Pointer
06 Bit Operations
06 Bit Operations
07 Discretization
07 Discretization
08 Interval Merging
08 Interval Merging
Data Structures
Data Structures
01 Linked List
01 Linked List
02 Stack and Queue
02 Stack and Queue
03 KMP
03 KMP
04 Trie
04 Trie
05 Disjoint Set
05 Disjoint Set
06 Heap
06 Heap
07 Hash Table
07 Hash Table
08 Binary Indexed Tree
08 Binary Indexed Tree
09 Segment Tree
09 Segment Tree
Special Topic STL
Special Topic STL
Dynamic Programming
Dynamic Programming
01 Backpack Problem
01 Backpack Problem
02 Linear DP
02 Linear DP
03 Interval DP
03 Interval DP
04 Counting DP
04 Counting DP
05 Digital Counting DP
05 Digital Counting DP
06 States Compression DP
06 States Compression DP
07 Tree DP
07 Tree DP
08 Memorization Search
08 Memorization Search
Graph and Search
Graph and Search
02 Graph Tree Basics
02 Graph Tree Basics
03 Shortest Path
03 Shortest Path
04 Minimum Spanning Tree
04 Minimum Spanning Tree
05 Bipartite Graph
05 Bipartite Graph
06 Network Flow
06 Network Flow
07 Tree Basics
07 Tree Basics
Greedy Methods
Greedy Methods
01 Interval Problems
01 Interval Problems
02 Huffman Coding
02 Huffman Coding
0001 0099
0001 0099
0001 two sum
0001 two sum
0003 longest substring without repeating characters
0003 longest substring without repeating characters
0006 zigzag conversion
0006 zigzag conversion
0008 string to integer atoi
0008 string to integer atoi
0015 3sum
0015 3sum
0017 letter combinations of a phone number
0017 letter combinations of a phone number
0018 4sum
0018 4sum
0019 remove nth node from end of list
0019 remove nth node from end of list
0020 valid parentheses
0020 valid parentheses
0021 merge two sorted lists
0021 merge two sorted lists
0023 merge k sorted lists
0023 merge k sorted lists
0024 swap nodes in pairs
0024 swap nodes in pairs
0026 remove duplicates from sorted array
0026 remove duplicates from sorted array
0027 remove element
0027 remove element
0028 find the index of the first occurrence in a string
0028 find the index of the first occurrence in a string
0031 next permutation
0031 next permutation
0032 longest valid parentheses
0032 longest valid parentheses
0033 search in rotated sorted array
0033 search in rotated sorted array
0034 find first and last position of element in sorted array
0034 find first and last position of element in sorted array
0035 search insert position
0035 search insert position
0036 valid sudoku
0036 valid sudoku
0037 sudoku solver
0037 sudoku solver
0039 combination sum
0039 combination sum
0040 combination sum ii
0040 combination sum ii
0041 first missing positive
0041 first missing positive
0042 trapping rain water
0042 trapping rain water
0045 jump game ii
0045 jump game ii
0046 permutations
0046 permutations
0047 permutations ii
0047 permutations ii
0051 n queens
0051 n queens
0052 n queens ii
0052 n queens ii
0053 maximum subarray
0053 maximum subarray
0054 spiral matrix
0054 spiral matrix
0055 jump game
0055 jump game
0056 merge intervals
0056 merge intervals
0059 spiral matrix ii
0059 spiral matrix ii
0062 unique paths
0062 unique paths
0063 unique paths ii
0063 unique paths ii
0070 climbing stairs
0070 climbing stairs
0071 simplify path
0071 simplify path
0072 edit distance
0072 edit distance
0074 search a 2d matrix
0074 search a 2d matrix
0076 minimum window substring
0076 minimum window substring
0077 combinations
0077 combinations
0078 subsets
0078 subsets
0081 search in rotated sorted array ii
0081 search in rotated sorted array ii
0084 largest rectangle in histogram
0084 largest rectangle in histogram
0085 maximal rectangle
0085 maximal rectangle
0086 partition list
0086 partition list
0090 subsets ii
0090 subsets ii
0091 decode ways
0091 decode ways
0092 reverse linked list ii
0092 reverse linked list ii
0093 restore ip addresses
0093 restore ip addresses
0094 binary tree inorder traversal
0094 binary tree inorder traversal
0096 unique binary search trees
0096 unique binary search trees
0098 validate binary search tree
0098 validate binary search tree
0100 0199
0100 0199
0100 same tree
0100 same tree
0101 symmetric tree
0101 symmetric tree
0102 binary tree level order traversal
0102 binary tree level order traversal
0103 binary tree zigzag level order traversal
0103 binary tree zigzag level order traversal
0104 maximum depth of binary tree
0104 maximum depth of binary tree
0105 construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal
0105 construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal
0106 construct binary tree from inorder and postorder traversal
0106 construct binary tree from inorder and postorder traversal
0110 balanced binary tree
0110 balanced binary tree
0111 minimum depth of binary tree
0111 minimum depth of binary tree
0112 path sum
0112 path sum
0113 path sum ii
0113 path sum ii
0120 triangle
0120 triangle
0121 best time to buy and sell stock
0121 best time to buy and sell stock
0122 best time to buy and sell stock ii
0122 best time to buy and sell stock ii
0123 best time to buy and sell stock iii
0123 best time to buy and sell stock iii
0126 word ladder ii
0126 word ladder ii
0127 word ladder
0127 word ladder
0128 longest consecutive sequence
0128 longest consecutive sequence
0130 surrounded regions
0130 surrounded regions
0131 palindrome partitioning
0131 palindrome partitioning
0133 clone graph
0133 clone graph
0134 gas station
0134 gas station
0135 candy
0135 candy
0136 single number
0136 single number
0137 single number ii
0137 single number ii
0139 word break
0139 word break
0141 linked list cycle
0141 linked list cycle
0142 linked list cycle ii
0142 linked list cycle ii
0144 binary tree preorder traversal
0144 binary tree preorder traversal
0145 binary tree postorder traversal
0145 binary tree postorder traversal
0146 lru cache
0146 lru cache
0148 sort list
0148 sort list
0150 evaluate reverse polish notation
0150 evaluate reverse polish notation
0151 reverse words in a string
0151 reverse words in a string
0153 find minimum in rotated sorted array
0153 find minimum in rotated sorted array
0154 find minimum in rotated sorted array ii
0154 find minimum in rotated sorted array ii
0160 intersection of two linked lists
0160 intersection of two linked lists
0162 find peak element
0162 find peak element
0188 best time to buy and sell stock iv
0188 best time to buy and sell stock iv
0191 number of 1 bits
0191 number of 1 bits
0198 house robber
0198 house robber
0200 0299
0200 0299
0200 number of islands
0200 number of islands
0201 bitwise and of numbers range
0201 bitwise and of numbers range
0202 happy number
0202 happy number
0203 remove linked list elements
0203 remove linked list elements
0206 reverse linked list
0206 reverse linked list
0207 course schedule
0207 course schedule
0208 implement trie prefix tree
0208 implement trie prefix tree
0209 minimum size subarray sum
0209 minimum size subarray sum
0210 course schedule ii
0210 course schedule ii
0212 word search ii
0212 word search ii
0213 house robber ii
0213 house robber ii
0215 kth largest element in an array
0215 kth largest element in an array
0216 combination sum iii
0216 combination sum iii
0222 count complete tree nodes
0222 count complete tree nodes
0225 implement stack using queues
0225 implement stack using queues
0226 invert binary tree
0226 invert binary tree
0231 power of two
0231 power of two
0232 implement queue using stacks
0232 implement queue using stacks
0235 lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree
0235 lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree
0236 lowest common ancestor of a binary tree
0236 lowest common ancestor of a binary tree
0239 sliding window maximum
0239 sliding window maximum
0242 valid anagram
0242 valid anagram
0257 binary tree paths
0257 binary tree paths
0260 single number iii
0260 single number iii
0264 ugly number ii
0264 ugly number ii
0268 missing number
0268 missing number
0269 alien dictionary
0269 alien dictionary
0290 word pattern
0290 word pattern
0291 word pattern ii
0291 word pattern ii
0295 find median from data stream
0295 find median from data stream
0297 serialize and deserialize binary tree
0297 serialize and deserialize binary tree
0300 0399
0300 0399
0300 longest increasing subsequence
0300 longest increasing subsequence
0303 range sum query immutable
0303 range sum query immutable
0314 binary tree vertical order traversal
0314 binary tree vertical order traversal
0316 remove duplicate letters
0316 remove duplicate letters
0322 coin change
0322 coin change
0325 maximum size subarray sum equals k
0325 maximum size subarray sum equals k
0329 longest increasing path in a matrix
0329 longest increasing path in a matrix
0337 house robber iii
0337 house robber iii
0343 integer break
0343 integer break
0344 reverse string
0344 reverse string
0347 top k frequent elements
0347 top k frequent elements
0349 intersection of two arrays
0349 intersection of two arrays
0359 logger rate limiter
0359 logger rate limiter
0362 design hit counter
0362 design hit counter
0371 sum of two integers
0371 sum of two integers
0376 wiggle subsequence
0376 wiggle subsequence
0377 combination sum iv
0377 combination sum iv
0380 insert delete getrandom o1
0380 insert delete getrandom o1
0383 ransom note
0383 ransom note
0395 longest substring with at least k repeating characters
0395 longest substring with at least k repeating characters
0399 evaluate division
0399 evaluate division
0400 0499
0400 0499
0404 sum of left leaves
0404 sum of left leaves
0406 queue reconstruction by height
0406 queue reconstruction by height
0410 split array largest sum
0410 split array largest sum
0416 partition equal subset sum
0416 partition equal subset sum
0421 maximum xor of two numbers in an array
0421 maximum xor of two numbers in an array
0435 non overlapping intervals
0435 non overlapping intervals
0450 delete node in a bst
0450 delete node in a bst
0452 minimum number of arrows to burst balloons
0452 minimum number of arrows to burst balloons
0454 4sum ii
0454 4sum ii
0455 assign cookies
0455 assign cookies
0459 repeated substring pattern
0459 repeated substring pattern
0460 lfu cache
0460 lfu cache
0467 unique substrings in wraparound string
0467 unique substrings in wraparound string
0474 ones and zeroes
0474 ones and zeroes
0476 number complement
0476 number complement
0491 non decreasing subsequences
0491 non decreasing subsequences
0494 target sum
0494 target sum
0496 next greater element i
0496 next greater element i
0500 0599
0500 0599
0500 minimum absolute difference in bst
0500 minimum absolute difference in bst
0503 next greater element ii
0503 next greater element ii
0509 fibonacci number
0509 fibonacci number
0513 find bottom left tree value
0513 find bottom left tree value
0518 coin change ii
0518 coin change ii
0530 minimum absolute difference in bst
0530 minimum absolute difference in bst
0541 reverse string ii
0541 reverse string ii
0556 next greater element iii
0556 next greater element iii
0560 subarray sum equals k
0560 subarray sum equals k
0600 0699
0600 0699
0617 merge two binary trees
0617 merge two binary trees
0639 decode ways ii
0639 decode ways ii
0654 maximum binary tree
0654 maximum binary tree
0662 maximum width of binary tree
0662 maximum width of binary tree
0669 trim a binary search tree
0669 trim a binary search tree
0673 number of longest increasing subsequence
0673 number of longest increasing subsequence
0674 longest continuous increasing subsequence
0674 longest continuous increasing subsequence
0700 0799
0700 0799
0700 search in a binary search tree
0700 search in a binary search tree
0703 kth largest element in a stream
0703 kth largest element in a stream
0704 binary search
0704 binary search
0707 design linked list
0707 design linked list
0720 longest word in dictionary
0720 longest word in dictionary
0739 daily temperatures
0739 daily temperatures
0743 network delay time
0743 network delay time
0744 find smallest letter greater than target
0744 find smallest letter greater than target
0746 min cost climbing stairs
0746 min cost climbing stairs
0762 prime number of set bits in binary representation
0762 prime number of set bits in binary representation
0763 partition labels
0763 partition labels
0765 couples holding hands
0765 couples holding hands
0787 cheapest flights within k stops
0787 cheapest flights within k stops
0800 0899
0800 0899
0803 bricks falling when hit
0803 bricks falling when hit
0827 making a large island
0827 making a large island
0839 similar string groups
0839 similar string groups
0851 loud and rich
0851 loud and rich
0860 lemonade change
0860 lemonade change
0862 shortest subarray with sum at least k
0862 shortest subarray with sum at least k
0900 0999
0900 0999
0907 sum of subarray minimums
0907 sum of subarray minimums
0912 sort an array
0912 sort an array
0928 minimize malware spread ii
0928 minimize malware spread ii
0936 stamping the sequence
0936 stamping the sequence
0940 distinct subsequences ii
0940 distinct subsequences ii
0947 most stones removed with same row or column
0947 most stones removed with same row or column
0958 check completeness of a binary tree
0958 check completeness of a binary tree
0962 maximum width ramp
0962 maximum width ramp
0977 squares of a sorted array
0977 squares of a sorted array
0983 minimum cost for tickets
0983 minimum cost for tickets
0987 vertical order traversal of a binary tree
0987 vertical order traversal of a binary tree
0992 subarrays with k different integers
0992 subarrays with k different integers
1000 1099
1000 1099
1000 minimum cost to merge stones
1000 minimum cost to merge stones
1002 find common characters
1002 find common characters
1005 maximize sum of array after k negations
1005 maximize sum of array after k negations
1020 number of enclaves
1020 number of enclaves
1047 remove all adjacent duplicates in string
1047 remove all adjacent duplicates in string
1049 last stone weight ii
1049 last stone weight ii
1094 car pooling
1094 car pooling
1100 1199
1100 1199
1106 parsing a boolean expression
1106 parsing a boolean expression
1109 corporate flight bookings
1109 corporate flight bookings
1124 longest well performing interval
1124 longest well performing interval
1136 parallel courses
1136 parallel courses
1143 longest common subsequence
1143 longest common subsequence
1162 as far from land as possible
1162 as far from land as possible
1200 1299
1200 1299
1234 replace the substring for balanced string
1234 replace the substring for balanced string
1300 1399
1300 1399
1368 minimum cost to make at least one valid path in a grid
1368 minimum cost to make at least one valid path in a grid
1371 find the longest substring containing vowels in even counts
1371 find the longest substring containing vowels in even counts
1400 1499
1400 1499
1438 longest continuous subarray with absolute diff less than or equal to limit
1438 longest continuous subarray with absolute diff less than or equal to limit
1500 1599
1500 1599
1504 count submatrices with all ones
1504 count submatrices with all ones
1514 path with maximum probability
1514 path with maximum probability
1590 make sum divisible by p
1590 make sum divisible by p
1600 1699
1600 1699
1644 lowest common ancestor of a binary tree ii
1644 lowest common ancestor of a binary tree ii
1650 lowest common ancestor of a binary tree iii
1650 lowest common ancestor of a binary tree iii
1800 1899
1800 1899
1804 implement trie ii prefix tree
1804 implement trie ii prefix tree
1854 maximum population year
1854 maximum population year
2000 2099
2000 2099
2050 parallel courses iii
2050 parallel courses iii
2092 find all people with secret
2092 find all people with secret
2100 2199
2100 2199
2127 maximum employees to be invited to a meeting
2127 maximum employees to be invited to a meeting
2400 2499
2400 2499
2421 number of good paths
2421 number of good paths
2700 2799
2700 2799
2788 split strings by separator
2788 split strings by separator
2800 2899
2800 2899
2850 minimum moves to spread stones over grid
2850 minimum moves to spread stones over grid
2851 string transformation
2851 string transformation
2861 maximum number of alloys
2861 maximum number of alloys
2900 2999
2900 2999
2997 minimum number of operations to make array xor equal to k
2997 minimum number of operations to make array xor equal to k
3000 3099
3000 3099
3010 divide an array into subarrays with minimum cost i
3010 divide an array into subarrays with minimum cost i
3011 find if array can be sorted
3011 find if array can be sorted
3012 minimize length of array using operations
3012 minimize length of array using operations
3013 divide an array into subarrays with minimum cost ii
3013 divide an array into subarrays with minimum cost ii
3025 find the number of ways to place people i
3025 find the number of ways to place people i
3026 maximum good subarray sum
3026 maximum good subarray sum
3039 apply operations to make string empty
3039 apply operations to make string empty
3040 maximum number of operations with the same score ii
3040 maximum number of operations with the same score ii
3041 maximize consecutive elements in an array after modification
3041 maximize consecutive elements in an array after modification
3047 find the largest area of square inside two rectangles
3047 find the largest area of square inside two rectangles
3048 earliest second to mark indices i
3048 earliest second to mark indices i
3070 count submatrices with top left element and sum less than k
3070 count submatrices with top left element and sum less than k
3071 minimum operations to write the letter y on a grid
3071 minimum operations to write the letter y on a grid
3072 distribute elements into two arrays ii
3072 distribute elements into two arrays ii
堆 (优先队列)
01 Prime Numbers
01 Prime Numbers
02 Divisor
02 Divisor
03 Euler Function
03 Euler Function
04 Binary Exponentiation
04 Binary Exponentiation
05 Extended Euclidean
05 Extended Euclidean
06 Chinese Remainder Theorem
06 Chinese Remainder Theorem
07 Gaussian Elimination
07 Gaussian Elimination
08 Combinatorial Number
08 Combinatorial Number
Algorithm Analysis Basics
Divide and Conquer
NP-Complete and NP-Hard Problems